USPA Monthly Virtual Event Series – Nature-inspired Modeling for Cosmology and Beyond

Oskar Elek will be the speaker at this month’s virtual seminar. Oskar is a postdoc in the Computational Media Department and will be talking about his work on nature-inspired modeling for cosmology and beyond.

Date: Tuesday, January 26th at 1:00pm
Title: Polyphorm: Nature-inspired Modeling for Cosmology and Beyond

Summary from Oskar:
I will present my main research project called Polyphorm, which uses an algorithm inspired by the growth of Physarum polycephalum ‘slime mold’ to generate complex rhizomatic networks. Using this methodology, together with UCSC astronomers we have obtained accurate reconstructions of the Cosmic web. I will talk about these novel results, as well as the applications of the model to other domains and even for generating art.

Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 938 5810 9040
Passcode: 825718

This event is part of the new virtual event series organized by the USPA. Each month, we will host a workshop or seminar that either offers career development support or highlights some amazing research conducted by postdocs on campus.
If you are interested in presenting, please sign up here:

From Oskar Elek's homepage:

Three-dimensional map of the underlying cosmic web’s intricate filamentary network from data containing the positions of 37,000 galaxies.

Posted in Monthly Virtual Event Series, USPA events.