Job Hunting in Industry Workshop: How to locate and apply for jobs, get interviews, and negotiate more from your first job offer

We're excited to announce a workshop for STEM postdocs and graduate students who are interested in industry career:

Job Hunting in Industry:  How to locate and apply for jobs, get interviews, and negotiate more from your first job offer

Presented by Bill Lindstaedt, MS

Bill is the Assistant Vice Chancellor and manages Career Advancement, International and Postdoctoral Services at UCSF. He is a career counselor specializing in career development issues for doctoral level trainees in the sciences. He is also a co-author of Science Magazine's myIDP, a free career development tool launched designed to help research scientists take charge of their careers.


How to locate and apply for jobs, how to get interviews, and how to negotiate more from your first job offer

Postdocs, grad students and research scientists are all welcome!

Space is limited. Register now!

Jan 12th (Friday) 1-4:30PM


Did you know that only 10-15% of PhDs will get faculty jobs? Industry career has become the prevailing path for PhDs in life sciences. But it could be challenging to land a good job straight out of academia, and the training and resource to prepare PhDs for industry jobs is lacking.
This workshop is designed to provide PhD students and postdocs with the knowledge and skills to launch a successful job search for positions in industry research. 
The workshop is consisted of 3 segments: (feel free to choose the segment(s) of your interest to attend)
  1. Job Hunting for Industry Research Positions:  How to apply for jobs and get interviews - 1 hour
    You will learn how to prepare resumes and cover letters that will get you noticed during your search for research jobs in industry.   You will learn how to find information on companies and how to reach out to industry scientists who can connect you with job opportunities, and push your resume along through the selection process. After this workshop, you will understand how to execute three techniques that comprise a comprehensive job search.
  2. Succeeding in Interviews for Industry Research Positions - 1.5 hour
    After attending this 90-minute skill-building workshop, you will leave with a set of frameworks that will help you respond effectively to the most common questions asked of postdocs when they interview for that first industry researcher position.  You will improve your ability to respond to opening and closing interview scenarios, as well as tough and awkward interview questions.  Finally, we will discuss tips for tailoring your job talk to an industry setting.
  3. Compensation Negotiation for Industry Research Positions - 1 hour
    Know how to answer these common questions that everyone has as they are getting their first industry job offer.
  • What do I say when the employer asks me about my salary requirements before the job offer (during the interview)?
  • What do I say when the employer asks me about salary during the job offer discussion?
  • What kinds of benefits and compensation components will I see in my industry job offer letter?
  • Which job offer components are negotiable and which ones should I not try to negotiate?
  • Most importantly, how do I ask for more graciously, so that I get what I need while maintaining a positive relationship with my future employer?