See an updated list of resources in the Funding Opportunities and Professional Development pages.
Access through your UCSC email Google account:
Contact Carrie or David to get access to examples of NIH/NSF grants.
When: July 11th (Thursday) 9:30am-3pm
Where: Biomed 200
Register here before July 5th.
Postdocs, grad students and staff scientists are all welcome!
David States, Biomedical Research Development Specialist, Office of Research
David has decades of experience with research funding. Currently he works with UCSC faculty on federal grant proposals, especially on biomedical research topics.
Carrie Partch, Associate Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry Department
Carrie has extensive experience with NIH on both sides: she has received multiple R01 grants, and has sit on the review panels. She also teaches a grant-writing course.
Tentative agenda
- 9:30am Check in
- 9:45-10:00am Introduction
- 10am-12pm David States: basic principles of grant writing, going over examples, how to write NSF grants
- 12-1pm Lunch and networking
- 1-3pm Carrie Partch: NIH funding mechanisms and review process, going over examples.
Second session
If there is interest for it, a shorter session will be organized two weeks later, on July 25th 10am-noon (Biomed 300), to give you feedback on your specific aims page. You will have the opportunity to send your specific aim page to the instructors a week before.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
– UCSC STEM Postdoc Association (USPA)