Postdoc Appreciation Week Social Hours

It’s Postdoc Appreciation Week! Join the USPA’s celebration the evening of September 24 5pm for a casual social gathering of camaraderie and food at Natural Bridges.

Edit: Thanks for coming everyone, it was fun! And thank you for bringing spikeball!

Other events this week:

  • Cake! Organized by the IBSC at 2pm “Bring your favorite beverage (and plate and fork if you have) to the red plaza tables between Sinsheimer and Biomed Buildings!”
  • Virtual events organized by the National Postdoc Association. For example:
    • “Centering your identity and interests while preparing for your next career step” Sept 22, 10am, Zoom
    • Transitioning from a Postdoc to an Early-Career Professional at a Federal Agency” Sept 23, 9am, Zoom
    • Maximizing the Postdoc Experience through Mentoring” Sept 23, 10am, Zoom
    • Becoming Visible in STEM While Finding Your Niche” Sept 24, 8:30am, Register
    • “Preparing for Life After Postdoc: Setting Yourself Up for Success”, 10am, Zoom


PostDoc Holiday Party 2020

Since curtailment season is upon us (YAY!) but Santa Cruz is a purple COVID-zone (booo) the UCSC STEAM Postdoctoral Association cordially invites you to a virtual evening of holiday merriment! (but we promise, it’s NOT on Zoom!)

PLACE (sort of):
TIME: Monday, December 21st at 6 PM
$$ PRIZES: Best ‘Ugly’ Sweater, Cookie Decorating, Pet Costume
Please fill out this form to RSVP*

*You don’t have to RSVP to come, but you DO have to RSVP to get a free holiday goodie/food basket!

So come celebrate the winter holidays with other postdocs! Eat, drink, be merry, and let’s give ourselves a couple hours break from the ridiculousness that has been 2020!

holiday festivities 2020

Join the UCSC STEM Postdoc Association!

Are you seeking a community at Santa Cruz or just looking to get more involved? Don’t wait until you “get that paper into Science” or “get that job offer’. The USPA can help with those things and more!

The UCSC STEM Postdoc Association (USPA) is UCSC’s grassroots postdoc association that was built by postdocs in 2015 to offer career development and community-building activities to the underserved postdoc community at UCSC. Over the past five years, we have built up a solid network of internal and external funding sources, which pay for our workshops, social events, and annual symposium. Our only limiting resource is postdocs like you!

While the USPA was originally built to serve the community outwardly, the association has had a large positive effect on its own members. Through accessing valuable institutional knowledge and networking opportunities, our postdoc representatives have been awarded prestigious fellowships and received competitive industry offers while serving on the board. Thus, although it may seem like volunteering for the USPA would limit your time for research, the outcome is in fact the opposite for most people.

If interested, please come to our next board meeting via Zoom at 3pm next Thursday, November 5th, 2020. We will be discussing plans for our socially-distanced upcoming year and we will be deciding roles for the next USPA board of representatives, which includes the following positions: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Symposium Co-chairs (2), and Social Event Coordinator.

Join us on Zoom

USPA Potluck Dinner 2020

Shelbi is inviting us to a USPA-sponsored potluck dinner at  house Friday, February 21st from 4 to 8 pm!

We will provide basic food and drink for everyone (including meat and vegetarian options, sodas, beer, etc.), but highly encourage others to bring something to share.

Address: 1140 Western Dr, Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Please register here if you plan to attend (so we can plan how much food to buy/make).

Come and enjoy good food, good conversation, and a sweet mini poodle!

Job Hunting in Industry

When: Jan 17th (Fri) 12 – 4 PM
Where: Namaste Lounge (see map)

The “Job Hunting in Industry” workshop will be presented by Bill Lindstaedt from UCSF’s Office of Career and Professional Development (one of the best STEM career training resources in the world). This workshop will give you a comprehensive understanding of the job search process in industry and help you launch a successful job search.

Postdocs, grad students and research scientists are all welcome!
Space is limited. Register now!

Lunch will be provided.

The workshop will consist of 3 segments:

1. Exploring Industry Jobs and Applying for Industry Jobs: 12-1:30 pm
How to prepare resumes and cover letters that will get you noticed; How to find information on companies and how to reach out to industry scientists who can connect you with job opportunities; How to execute three techniques that comprise a comprehensive job search.

Break 1:30-1:45

2. Succeeding in Interviews for Industry Research Positions: 1:45-3 pm
How to respond effectively to the most common questions when you interview for that first industry researcher position; How to respond to opening and closing interview scenarios, as well as tough and awkward interview questions; Tips for tailoring your job talk to an industry setting.

3. Compensation Negotiation for Industry Research Positions: 3-4 pm
How to negotiate salary and benefits when you get your first industry job offer; Which job offer components are negotiable and which ones are not; How to ask for more graciously, so that I get what I need while maintaining a positive relationship with my future employer.

We are very fortunate to have Bill Lindstaedt back out to present his strategies and advice on how to transition to a career in industry. Many postdocs and graduate students found his advice vital to their jobs searches back in 2018, and we are thrilled he is able to come back again in 2020. Hope to see you there!

Job Preparation Workshop: Chalk-talk

 Chalk-talk is an essential part of academic job interview. At this interactive workshop, you will learn how to prepare your talk and what to expect from the interviewers, and will have the chance to practice your talk and receive valuable feedback from experienced faculty.
We strongly encourage postdocs who are applying for jobs to use this unique occasion to practice his/her chalk talk. Postdocs who volunteer to give a demo in this workshop will have a chance to attend one of the real chalk talks at UCSC in a near future. If you are interested in giving a mock chalk-talk, let us know:

We encourage postdocs and graduates students to attend. Register here. The registration deadline is Nov 15th.
Coffee and lunch will be provided.

Job preparation workshop: Chalk-Talk

DATE: November 30th

TIME: 9:30AM - 1:00PM

