Welcome to the UC Santa Cruz Postdocs Association webpage!
The USPA is a postdoctoral-led organization that aims to provide career training and resources to postdoctoral scholars here at UC Santa Cruz. Each year the USPA organizes a symposium, and a series of workshops to highlight postdoctoral research, provides postdocs with career planning support, and build a stronger postdoc community. Our goal is to create a welcoming environment for new postdocs and a supportive group of peers to navigate this pivotal career stage together.
The USPA is part of the larger network of Bay Area Postdocs.
Activities of USPA include:
- postdoc science and social hour
- career development workshops
- annual symposium
Check out our upcoming events and:
- ask us to join the UCSC Postdoctoral Scholars Google Group
- join the UCSC Postdocs Slack
- follow us on Twitter
- join the Facebook group
- join the LinkedIn group
- contact us at uspa@ucsc.edu
Latest from USPA
Postdoc Appreciation Week Social Hours
It’s Postdoc Appreciation Week! Join the USPA’s celebration the evening of September 24 5pm for a casual social gathering of camaraderie and food at Natural Bridges.
Edit: Thanks for coming everyone, it was fun! And thank you for bringing spikeball!
Other events this week:
- Cake! Organized by the IBSC at 2pm “Bring your favorite beverage (and plate and fork if you have) to the red plaza tables between Sinsheimer and Biomed Buildings!”
- Virtual events organized by the National Postdoc Association. For example:
“Centering your identity and interests while preparing for your next career step” Sept 22, 10am, Zoom
- “Transitioning from a Postdoc to an Early-Career Professional at a Federal Agency” Sept 23, 9am, Zoom
- “Maximizing the Postdoc Experience through Mentoring” Sept 23, 10am, Zoom
- “Becoming Visible in STEM While Finding Your Niche” Sept 24, 8:30am, Register
- “Preparing for Life After Postdoc: Setting Yourself Up for Success”, 10am, Zoom
Workshop: Industry Jobs for Ph.D.’s by Bill Lindstaedt
We’ll have Bill Lindstaedt’s always-popular Industry Job Search workshop on Friday, October 1 (9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.) at the Graduate Student Commons, Study Lounge 204.
More information and registration link at https://graddiv.ucsc.edu/grad-horizons/alt-academic-job-search/industry-jobs-gs-pd.html
SummerFest Potluck Dinner 2021
We’ll have a USPA-sponsored potluck dinner Friday, July 30th at 4 pm (PST). We will prepare food and drinks for everyone, but please feel free to bring something to share so we have good variety.
Address: 1140 Western Dr, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Please register here by July 25th if you plan to attend so we can plan how much food to buy and make.
Come and enjoy good food, good conversation, and a sweet mini poodle!
Grant writing workshops 2021
The grant writing workshops will be held in Fall 2021. There will be a seminar (Sept 20) and a multi-session workshop in Oct-Nov where the attendees can practice writing their grant and reviewing each other proposals.
These grant writing workshops are organized by the IBSC and offered to IRACDA postdocs and other UCSC postdocs. More information at https://ibsc.ucsc.edu/postdoc-training/grant-writing-workshop